
Generosity is one of our core values at Bay Church. We want to be a blessing to the Bay and it’s through your generosity that we are able to fulfill our vision to see Society Transformed.

Ways to Give

  • Direct Debit

    You can easily set up a Direct Debit to regularly support the vision of the church. You’ll just need your bank details to hand and a few minutes to securely step through the online process.

  • One-Off Gift

    To donate a one-off gift please use our online donate form to send us a gift using your debit or credit card. It’s safe and secure and only takes a couple of minutes.

  • Standing Order

    Amend or set up a standing order through your bank with the following details:

    Bay Church (Torbay)
    32902948 / 56-00-49




Giving Sunday

We had an incredible response on Giving Sunday! It was so encouraging that so many faithfully pledged to start giving, some current givers pledged to increase their giving and others offered a one-off gift. If you missed Sunday or have taken some time to consider what you could give, please use the options here to get involved in supporting the vision of Bay Church - Your gift is vital to enabling the vision and we're so very thankful. If you’d like to talk about your pledge, please email our finance team.

  • It’s so easy to set up a regular gift. You can create a new Direct Debit or regular card payments using our secure giving page - Or, you can set up a Standing Order via your bank account.

  • If you‘ve already used our online donate form to setup regular giving, you can use your confirmation emails from CoCardless or Stripe to change your monthly amount - or if you have a Standing Order in place, you can edit this via your banking app or in-branch

  • If you’re already giving and can’t commit to increasing your monthly gift, or aren’t in a place where you can regularly give, maybe you’d consider making a one-off gift you can do so via our donate page

Where does my giving go?

Your giving feeds right into the life and vision of the church. Regular giving allows us to plan ahead and budget for all the activities we’d like to put on throughout the year, making it possible to really make a difference. Our Bishop’s Mission Order is to specifically reach children and young families with the good news of Jesus, and whilst we have secured outside funding to help with staffing and building regeneration costs, we rely on the generosity of your giving to run our buildings and bring life to all the activities and initiatives that will see our vision become a reality in the Bay and beyond.